Intel 8085 Micro Processor Intel 8085 is an Eight bit (8 bit) NMOS (n-type Metal Oxide Semiconductor type) Microprocessor. It has 40 Pin on chip. This package is made on a single LSI (Large Scale Integrated) chip. The Intel 8085 requires +5V Dc supply for its operation. Its clock speed is about 3MHz . The clock cycle is of 320ns. This microprocessor has 80 basic instruction and 246 Op-Codes (Operation Codes). Internal Architecture (Figure): Internal Architecture (In Detail): 1. Arithmetic & Logic Unit (ALU) · ALU handles all kind of Arithmetical and Logical Operation. · It performs- o Addition and Subtraction o Logic-AND, Logic-OR, Logic-XOR and Logic-NOT operation o Increment and Decrement Operations o Left Shift, Right Shift, Rotate Left, Rotate Right operation o Clear · ALU receives input from Accumulator and Temperary Register, and sends output to Internal Bus to store the value in different reg