Logical Group Instruction Set of 8085 Microprocessor | ANA, ANI, ORA, ORI, XRA, XRI, CMA, CMC, STC, CMP, RLC, RAL, RRC, RAR instruction examples
Logical Group These Logical group instructions are used in the 8085 Microprocessor program. In this article, you would get the instructions with example. In some sections, referring images are also provided to make your understanding crystal clear. ANA r Here the data of r AND (Logical AND) with the data of Accumulator and the result will store in Accumulator. Example - ANA B (B) ⋀ (A) ⟶ (A) Data in Accumulator is 23 and data in register B is 56. After executing the program, Data in Accumulator will be 02 ( Can't Understand Refer This Image ) ANA M Here the data in the memory location pointed by HL pair AND (Logical AND) with data in Accumulator and the result will store in Accumulator. Example - ANA M
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