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Internal Architecture of Intel 8085 Micro Processor (Study Notes)

Intel 8085 Micro Processor 

  • Intel 8085 is an Eight bit (8 bit) NMOS (n-type Metal Oxide Semiconductor type) Microprocessor.
  • It has 40 Pin on chip.
  • This package is made on a single LSI (Large Scale Integrated) chip.
  • The Intel 8085 requires +5V Dc supply for its operation.
  • Its clock speed is about 3MHz.
  • The clock cycle is of 320ns.
  • This microprocessor has 80 basic instruction and 246 Op-Codes (Operation Codes).

Internal Architecture (Figure):

Internal Architecture (In Detail):

1.     Arithmetic & Logic Unit (ALU)

·        ALU handles all kind of Arithmetical and Logical Operation.

·        It performs-

o Addition and Subtraction 

o Logic-AND, Logic-OR, Logic-XOR and Logic-NOT operation

o Increment and Decrement Operations

o Left Shift, Right Shift, Rotate Left, Rotate Right operation

o Clear

·        ALU receives input from Accumulator and Temperary Register, and sends output to Internal Bus to store the value in different register location.

·        The output helps in change of status flags and is sent to Accumulator.

2.     Timing and Controlling Unit

·        It is a section of CPU.

·        Data flow between CPU and Peripheral is controlled by it.

·        The entire operations of Microprocessor and peripheral connected to it is controlled by Timing and Controlling Unit.

·        It is seen that control unit of CPU acts as the brain of a computer system.

3.     Registers:

·        Registers are used as a temporary storage system by microprocessor.

·        It is also used for Manipulation of Data and instructions.

·        Data saves/stores in the registers till they are sent to the memory or i/o devices  

·        Intel 8085icroprocessor has 6 type of registers. They are –

o  Accumulator – 1 (8 bit)

ΓΌ It is associated with ALU.

ΓΌ It is also known as ‘A’ or ‘Acc’.

ΓΌ It is used to hold one of operand of Arithmetic or Logical operation.

ΓΌ It serves as one input of ALU.

ΓΌ The final result of an Arithmetic or Logical operation is stored in Accumulator.

o Temporary Register (8 bit)

ΓΌ It is associated with the ALU.

ΓΌ It holds data during Arithmetic or Logical operation.

ΓΌ It is not accessible to user.

ΓΌ It is used by microprocessor and not accessible to programmer.

o General Purpose Registers (8 bit)

ΓΌ 8085 microprocessor has six general purpose registers. They are B, C, D, E, H & L.

ΓΌ To store sixteen-bit (16 bit) data, the combination of two register is done like B-C, D-E and H-L.

ΓΌ The H-L pair is also used to act as a memory pointer to hold a 16-bit address.

o Program Counter (16 bit)

ΓΌ It is used to hold the memory address of the next instruction to be executed.

o Stack Pointer (16 bit)

ΓΌ It is a stacking system to store data of Accumulator, Flags, Program Counter and General-Purpose Registers.

ΓΌ It is a sequence of memory location being det by programmer.

ΓΌ Stack works in L-I-F-O formats. L-I-F-O means Last IN First Out.

ΓΌ The pointer which address the stack is known as stack pointer.

o Instruction Register

ΓΌ Instruction Register holds the op-code of the instruction.

4.     Status Flag

·        8085 Microprocessor has five status flags. These are-

o Carry Flag (CS) – [CP = 1 (Have Carry), CP = 0 (No Carry)]

o Parity Flag (P)

o Auxiliary Carry Flag (AC) – [AC = 1 (Have Auxiliary Carry), AC = 0 (No Auxiliary Carry)]

o Zero Flag (Z) – [Z = 1 (Result = 0), Z = 0 (Result is not Zero)]

o Sign Flag (S) – [S = 0 (+Ve), S =1 (-Ve)]

5.     Program Status Word (PSW)

6.     Data or Address Bus

·        8085 Microprocessor has an 8-bit data bus and 16-bit address bus.

·        Pin A8 to A15 is used for transmitting 8 most significant Bits (MSB) of sixteen address.

·        The eight least significant bit (LSB) of the address are transmitted by address/data bus (AD0 – AD7)








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